How do sick days support public health?

Nearly 80% of food service workers have no access to sick days.

Paid sick days keep workplaces healthier by preventing the spread of disease to others.

How does earning sick days support working families in Montana?

For a low-income family, going just 3.5 days without wages can cost the same as a month’s worth of groceries.

Sick days help parents remain financially secure while balancing home and work demands.

  • Especially for Montanans living paycheck to paycheck, the loss of even one day’s earnings, to recover from the flu or to take care of a sick child, can be devestating to the family’s ability to pay bills.
  • Parents with paid sick days are more likely to stay home with a sick child, which helps kids recover quicker, and the more time kids are healthy and in class, the better they do in school. Keeping sick children at home also prevents the spread of illness to classmates.

How would sick days work?

Sick days are workplace protections passed by either a state law or local ordinance. If passed in Montana, a policy would guarantee that workers could earn a few sick days each year. Unlike paid family and medical leave, sick days policies are for short-term illnesses or injuries and would not require the creation of an insurance pool to fund the program.

What are sick days?

Everyone gets sick from time to time. Living in Montana, we know that especially during the winter, a cold or the flu is inevitable. All workers and their families need paid sick days to give them time to visit a doctor, recover from illness, or support a sick child or loved one without sacrificing their wages or their job.